The Art of a Cosmopolitan Empire

Published on: 17/03/2025

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Photo title: The Art of a cosmopolitan empire


Photo Credits: Gowri Subramanya

 Amid the sunlit ruins of Hampi, the walls whisper tales of a city alive with ambition, culture, and trade. Unlike the temples of other regions, where carvings often retell stories from the Purana and Itihasa, the walls of Hampi reflect the pulse of contemporary life—its people, trades, and celebrations. This choice reveals a city deeply aware of its place in the world, confident in its achievements and eager to immortalize them in stone.

One such carving depicts horse traders and their valuable animals, a scene that underscores Vijayanagara’s reliance on the trade of Arabian and Persian horses. These imports were vital for the empire’s formidable cavalry. Duarte Barbosa, a Portuguese traveler, remarked:

"The King Narsyngua has always more than nine hundred elephants; they are of great size and beauty, he ever takes them with him for reasons of state as well as for war. He has also upwards of twenty thousand horses…Those that are here come from the Kingdoms of Ormus and Cambaya, and bring in high prices by reason of the great need for them here."

The relief and Barbosa’s account together illustrate the significance of this trade, not just as a transaction but as a cornerstone of Vijayanagara’s military strength and its connections to global networks.

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Photo title: Horse traders 


Photo Credits: Gowri Subramanya

Another carving brings to life Kolata, a traditional folk dance still performed in parts of South India. The dancers, depicted mid-motion, capture the rhythm and joy of a city where art was not confined to grand temple rituals but infused daily life. Abdur Razzak, a Persian ambassador, described Vijayanagara’s unmatched vibrancy:

"The city is such that the pupil of the eye has never seen a place like it. Everywhere there is movement and activity. Merchants from all parts of the world bring their goods here, and the people live with joy and celebration as though they know no sorrow."

The Kolata dancers’ relief, brimming with energy, is a reflection of this liveliness—a city alive with festivals, music, and art that celebrated its people and their traditions.
Vijayanagara’s markets, too, were a spectacle of activity, drawing traders from across the world. Domingo Paes, another Portuguese chronicler, was struck by the city’s organization and prosperity:

"The city is the best-provided city in the world, as much for provisions as for other necessaries. Inside, the streets are very wide and laid out straight; they are paved with very large stones, and the houses are very beautiful, with many gardens and orchards full of trees."

This image of bustling markets aligns with the horse traders’ relief, where commerce is not only depicted as an essential aspect of life but celebrated as an emblem of the city’s economic vitality.

Hampi’s walls offer a unique perspective on Vijayanagara, balancing depictions of divine realms with scenes of human endeavor. The horse traders speak to its commercial and military might, while the Kolata dancers celebrate its cultural vibrancy. Together, they paint a picture of a society that honored not only the sacred but also the worldly—a city that found pride in its present as much as its spiritual past.

The impressions of travelers like Barbosa, Razzak, and Paes reinforce this self-awareness. Their words, much like the carvings on Hampi’s walls, provide a vivid testament to the city’s grandeur. Vijayanagara was more than a seat of power; it was a cultural and economic beacon.

As you stand before these reliefs today, you are not just looking at art—you are witnessing the heartbeat of a city that understood its own significance. Its legacy endures, etched in stone, inviting us to wonder, admire, and imagine.

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Gowri Subramanya

Gowri Subramanya is an editor and learning consultant based in Bengaluru, India. Writing and photography are her chosen tools of creative expression and the wilderness is her muse. A keen observer of the interaction between nature and culture, she loves to explore the history as well as the natural history of new places during her travels. With a soft spot for bird songs and a weakness for flowers, she indulges in a healthy dose of tree gazing every morning.

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