On a Lark: Travels in Search of Song

Published on: 07/08/2024

Malabar Lark 1

Photo title: Malabar Lark


Photo Credits: Gowri Subramanya

The Malabar Lark holds a special place in my heart. Endemic to the Western Ghats of India, this little brown bird is often invisible while foraging on the ground, its streaked plumage blending with the vegetation. It’s this unassuming creature that has taught me profound lessons about finding happiness in the mundane.

I first encountered the Malabar Lark on a winding drive through the hills of the Western Ghats. The morning sun was just beginning to warm the dew-laden grass, and as I navigated a particularly sharp turn, I caught sight of a small bird perched atop a fence post. Even though it spends most of its life on the ground, even nesting there, it likes to step up on to high and open perches like rocks and poles, to sing its medley of mimicry and other chatter. In a quick succession, it opens its repertoire of birdsong — of lapwings, sunbirds, bulbuls and robins — as though greeting them, or even offering oblations on behalf of its community to the Sun. Here it was, its crest raised proudly, filling the air with its joyous song, soaking the day’s blessings.

Now, on days like this, when I’m breathing the fresh misty air of the hills, on a holiday, I could sing my heart out too. But the lark isn’t on a holiday. For the lark, this is just the beginning of a hard day at work.

Most of us in the urban world struggle to rise with the sun. Our mornings are often a bleary-eyed stumble towards the coffee mug, a reluctant drag out of bed because we cannot bear the idea of going to work. We toil without joy, our days a monotonous cycle of tasks and chores. The idea of being 'happy for no reason' seems almost alien to us.

Malabar Lark-2

Photo title: Ravan - Malabar Lark


Photo Credits: Gowri Subramanya

So what is the lark's secret? How does it manage to find such joy in a life that, to our eyes, seems no better than our own daily grind?

Does it compare its life to others or yearn for what it doesn't have? How does it manage to simply embrace its existence, finding pleasure in the warmth of the sun, the feel of the wind beneath its wings, the satisfaction of foraging till the sun sets?

The lark doesn't need a reason to be happy; it simply is.

Here is a bird that is practically invisible most of the time, blending into the grasslands and cultivated fields it calls home. Yet, every morning, it choses to make itself seen and heard, perching on rocks or fence posts to sing its heart out. The Malabar Lark is even more unique in that it occupies a small part of the world, the open clearings of Western Ghats. These birds, endemic to this region, had carved out their niche in the ecosystem. They didn't need to migrate to exotic locations or transform themselves into colourful showstoppers. They found contentment in their small corner of the world,

How effortless they make it seem: happiness isn't about standing out or having the most impressive life. It's about finding joy in being exactly who and where you are.

How often do we overlook the beauty of our immediate surroundings, always yearning for something more, something different?

Each day, regardless of what came before or what lies ahead, the lark chooses to begin with a melody. It's a conscious decision to greet the world with positivity, to start afresh with each sunrise.

Perhaps if we, like the lark, could learn to appreciate the simple pleasures of our existence, to find satisfaction in our daily tasks, and to start each day with a metaphorical song, we too might discover the secret to being 'happy for no reason'.

Happiness is a choice we can make every day, as sure as the sun rises. And in that choice lies the power to transform our mundane existence into a life filled with melody and meaning.

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Gowri Subramanya

Gowri Subramanya is an editor and learning consultant based in Bengaluru, India. Writing and photography are her chosen tools of creative expression and the wilderness is her muse. A keen observer of the interaction between nature and culture, she loves to explore the history as well as the natural history of new places during her travels. With a soft spot for bird songs and a weakness for flowers, she indulges in a healthy dose of tree gazing every morning.

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